16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025

July 2016

These are the exhibitions that will be organized in the 2016 summer period:Airport FVG [Italy] Szomszéd Bar [Budapest, Hungary] Betel Klub [Krakow, Poland] Bal [Krakow, Poland] Pierwszy Lokal [Krakow, Poland] Konfederacka 4 [Krakow, Poland] WBB [Berlin, Germany] YAAM [Berlin, Germany] Pierwszy Lokal [Krakow, Poland] Relax Cafe [Warsaw, Poland] Dom Literatury [Łódź, Poland] Castro Bisztro [Budapest, Hungary] 400 [Budapest, Hungary] Szomszéd

Polish Photographer Monika Krzyszkowska is the winner of URBAN 2016 Photo Awards, promoted by Italian art association dotART together with Photographers.it. The second place goes to Italian photographer Milo Angelo Ramella, third to Tymon Markowski, from