16th Edition
Submissions Open

October 2016

[India]Born in a village Venkatachalapuram near Theni, a town in Southern India, Rathika has always had a fierce connect with the drama of nature. She is based in Chennai and New Delhi. An MBA/Computer Engineer,

The 1st volume of the "URBAN Unveils the City and its Secrets" series that includes the work of 81 photographers ranked in URBAN Photo Awards 2015. The series provides the reader with an overview of

prism is an editorial collective dedicated to contemporary photography and visual art, currently represented by e-magazine, blog and curatorial initiative. The idea behind prism is to expose the photographic medium to a wider audience and

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GMB Akash is a compassionate and award-winning photographer from Bangladesh, who dedicates his life to capturing the essence of people living on the edge of society all over the world. With his lens, He has

[Brasile]Mozart Mesquita è partner di FHOX, storico magazine brasiliano dedicato all'immagine nonché promotore di Fotografar SHOW, il più grande evento sulla fotografia del Brasile.Website

[India]Manish Mamtani è un fotografo naturalista vincitore di numerosi premi. E' specializzato in paesaggi, fotografia notturna e astronomica, fotografia aerea e a raggi infrarossi. Originario di Nagpur, in India, ora risiede a Boston (USA). Ha

[Poland]"My fascination in photography I started a few years ago. In the meantime, I completed study multimedia graphics in the 'Active Art Study of Theater and Film Techniques' and photography in the 'European Academy of