16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025

July 2018

Photos by: Harry Aaldering, Antonio Larghi, Roberto Zerbini, Ste Murray, Damiano Ricca, Martin Iliev, Dominika Koszowska, Doron Talmi.

Photos by: Ana Mireles, Lignon Amaury, Piotr Trojanowski, Kévin Galop, Marco Bianchini, Massimo Tabasso, Federico Ferrari, Federico Ferrari, Giuseppina Marconi, Kip Harris, Marco Martinazzo, Roberto Zerbini.Project by: “Space at the Border” – Davide Colagiacomo (IT)

Photos by: Raluca Ionela Butnaru, Giuseppe Cocchieri, Luca Corrò, Cosimo Gagliardi, Marci Lindsay. Projects: “City routine” – Fréderic Mahy (BE)

Photos by: Adriano Nicoletti, Paolo Carnassale, Christina Choy, Diego Colognesi, Domenico Ianaro, John Ellis, Maria Francesca Bertoli, Roberta Grubelli, Sandro Tedde, Elena Nicoleta Braia, Andrea Barbuto, David Jacobson.

Projects by: “Mira a Ver” – Donatella Arione (IT) “Good boxing in bad days” – Doron Talmi (IL) “150615-130318” – Streetmax 21 (GB)

Projects by: “This American Carnage” – Bill Gubbins (US) “Nowhere” – Xavier Blondeau (FR)

Photos by: Adriana Miani, Alessandro Illuzzi, Alessia Patacca, Andrea Merlak, Andrea Simone Peruzzo, Angelo Bonarelli, Antonella Pellegrino, Antonio Pansera, Armineh Hovanesian , Aurelien Godenir, Behshid Osroosh, Carla Cosenza Mormile, Christina Choy, Christophe Pivert Christophe Wild,

w a l r a u m is a private gallery in the inner city of Klagenfurt. Near the market and "Neuer Platz" with the famous Lindwurm.[gallery columns="5" ids="7962,7963,7964,7965,7966"]Address:w a l r a u m 10.

[gallery columns="4" ids="8038,8039,8040,8041"]Galerija Principij Pod voltun 4 51000 Rijeka (Croatia) http://fotoklubrijeka.hr/galerija-principij

Starting from July 23rd, the best ranked pictures from URBAN 2018 Photo Awards will be displayed around Europe, for the usual series of "travelling exhibit previews". This year we reached a new record: 400+ photos

Tuesday, August 7 2018 at 8.00 PM will open the collective exhibit at the Porec Museum (Croatia) with 3 selected portfolios from URBAN 2018 Photo Awards. Projects has been selected by Museum’s director and URBAN

Good news! After the announcement of the Selected Photographers we arrived at the second “leg” of the path that will take us to the winners. Check out the list of URBAN 2018 FINALIST PHOTOGRAPHERS! Congratulations to all!The