16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025

September 2018

Photos: Tristan Levander, Sergio Aresi Project: Yanika Anukulpun – The Worship Architecture

Photos by: Carla Cosenza Mormile, Giuliano Mazzanti, Jonas Grauel, Isabella Vergara Caffarelli, Kelly Costantini, Luca Paccusse, Ralph Rahmer, Sebastiano Ciancio, Konard Kloch, Francesco Pace, Daniele Bellucci

Project: “Silence, the rain is talking, listen to her!” – Michele Ginevra

Project: “Urban Geometries / Geometrie Urbane” – Miriam Nicastro (IT)

Photos by: Frédéric Ducos, Mattia Pasini. Project by: “Trip in the Havana Streets” – Alain Licari (US)

Photos by: Alessandro Marcello, Antonello Cimini, Baran Alaei, Grauel Jonas, Kinga Wrona, Lydia Ho, Marco Bianchini, Mike Lee.

Projects: “Setsunai” – Vincent Ferriere (FR) “Pendolari” – Giuliano Sabato (IT) “Synchronized Tokyo” – Nenad Hudek (DE) “Sea and the City” – Attilio Bixio (IT)

Photos by: Andrea Scirè, Filipe Bianchi, Fiorenzo Rosa, Giancarlo Staubmann, Giovanni Di domenicantonio, Gyula Giulio Salusinszky, Martin Iliev, Mykel Rose, Roberto Zerbini, Valentina Bollea. Project by: “One Shot Stories” – Michele Vanuzzo (IT)

Photos by: Sergio Aresi, Mauro Casalboni, Fulvio Frioli, Colin Page, Ulli Mosconi Zupin.

Photos by: Aurelien Godenir, Davide Sala, Doron Talmi, Franco Ciminari, Krisztian Tota, Lukasz Zietara, Marco Lamberto, Riccardo Moretti, Richard Treister, Roberta Fretta, Roberto Macagnino, Viraj Bunnag. Project by: “Same old, Same old” – Tommaso Sacconi (IT)

Photos by: Ambra Mariani, Antonio Tartaglia, Aurelien Godenir, Beatrice Perticaroli, Cristiano Musardo, Daniele Esposito, Denis Marinello, Elena Santucci, Elide Cataldo, Enrico Nocito, Fiorenzo Rosa, Francesco Fredella, Fréderic Mahy, Giovanni Di Domenicantonio, Giuliano Mazzanti, Grzegorz Wojcik,

Photos by: Andrea Zachrau, Enrico Nocito, Eric Davidove, Giuseppe Cocchieri, Lory Busin, Marco Lambardi, Martina Buonomo, Mattia Pasini, Michele Ginevra, Nicola Paccagnella, Roberto Mugnaioli, Rosaria Sabrina Pantano.

The 4th volume of the "URBAN Unveils the City and its Secrets" series that includes the work of 127 photographers ranked in URBAN Photo Awards 2018. The series provides the reader with an overview of

Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design (Poland, Europe) offers a two-and-half-year full time program for international students. Our staff, all specialists within different areas of art and design, provide a program of study that

After a great summer of international exhibit previews, we are finally happy to announce the winning pictures and portfolios of URBAN 2018 Photo Awards.As announced, this year we decided to not reveal immediately the Single