16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025

January 2020

(U.S.A.) Alex Webb has published more than 15 photography books, including The Suffering of Light, a survey of 30 years of his color photographs. He’s exhibited at museums worldwide including the Whitney Museum of American

(U.S.A.) Originally a poet, Rebecca Norris Webb often interweaves her text and photographs in her seven books, most notably with her monograph, My Dakota—an elegy for her brother who died unexpectedly—with a solo exhibition of

Sucheta Das has a working experience of twenty four years with Reuters International News Agency, Gulf News, Dubai and Associated Press (AP).She has won around 75 International and National awards, including World Press Photo Golden

Foto:Andi Abdul Halil – Two Dimension Andrea Cicchetti – Stay Home Angiolo Manetti – Colored Cubes Azim Khan Ronnie – Incense Workers

Projects: Shebeen Queens – Julia Runge (Germany) Cronostasi – Chiara Panariti & Gianfranco Ferraro (Italy) Requiem Pour Pianos – Romain Thiery (Francie) Fishing For Plastic – Antonio Tartaglia (Italy)

Photos: Alan Godfrey, Alberto Campello, Alessandro Idini, Alessandro Pellican, Alessio Franconi, Alexander Sharr, Alida Volpi, Allan Syphers, Amadeu Martinez, Amanda Costa Samways, Annachiara Molinari, Andrea Banzato, Angela Spizzirri, Anil Purohit, Anna Domaneschi, Annu Esko, Antonio

Photos: Alan Godfrey, Alberto Campello, Alessandro Idini, Alessandro Pellican, Alessio Franconi, Alexander Sharr, Alida Volpi, Allan Syphers, Amadeu Martinez, Amanda Costa Samways, Annachiara Molinari, Andrea Banzato, Angela Spizzirri, Anil Purohit, Anna Domaneschi, Annu Esko, Antonio

Photos: Alessia Peretti, Allan Syphers, Andrea Stradi, Andrzej Wojciechowski, Camus Thierry, Carlo Olmi, Cesare Bosi, Daniele Esposito, Davide Cappellari, Dean Forbes, Emiliano Pinnizzotto, Filippo Leonardi, Gabriele Eltschka-Schiller, Girish Subramanyan, Gunther Schweigert, Harry Giglio, Jaco Tang,

Photos: Alessia Peretti, Allan Syphers, Andrea Stradi, Andrzej Wojciechowski, Camus Thierry, Carlo Olmi, Cesare Bosi, Daniele Esposito, Davide Cappellari, Dean Forbes, Emiliano Pinnizzotto, Filippo Leonardi, Gabriele Eltschka-Schiller, Girish Subramanyan, Gunther Schweigert, Harry Giglio, Jaco Tang,

Photos: Aleksandr Gorban, Angelika Cupido, Art Ph Chen, Emanuela Zini, Hernán Colombo Abot, Jobit George, Massimo Tabasso, Naoji Yubuki, Never Edit, Riccardo Crevatin, Silvia Gonzato, Vsevolod Shuvalov.

Photos: Biagio Salerno, Claudio Giuli, Davide Cappellari, Emiliano Pinnizzotto, Enzo Crispino, Esa Suurio, Fabrizio Picca, Giovanni Nicolosi, Jose Gaston Barriga, Keitaro Ota, Luca Sorato, Marco Lambardi, Never Edit, Paolo Davide Manina, Riccardo Barone.Project: Biocities Abstract

Photos: Allan Syphers, Berry Bingel, Camilla Coppola, Carlo Traini, Francesco Galli, Igor Mozel, Krisztian Tota, Luca Sorato, Marcello Colombo, Maren Nordtorp Larsen, Mario Karlovcec, Martina Gastaldi, Merja Varkemaa, Renato Adenzato, Ricardo Pareyon Aveleyra, Silvia Questore,

Photos: Alessandro Pellican, Allan Mestel, Corrado Enea Crevatin, Franco Luigi Beretta, Gioia Aloisi, Gunther Schweigert, Jim Kohatsu, Jose Gaston Barriga, Jukka Vehmas, Lukasz Zietara, Mattia Pasini, Nuno Freire, Peter Erickson, Ricardo Pareyon Aveleyra, Roman Hait,

Photos: Emma Myrtle, Esa Suurio, Gaia Marangon, Lauren Pantzer, Levin Lee, Maristella Campolunghi, Paolo Dellepiane, Roberta Lodi, Roberto Furlan, Roberto Malagoli.

Photos: Allan Mestel, Annalaura Lombardozzi, Francesca Di Ciaula, Francesco Galli, Igor Mozel, Mattia Pasini, Never Edit, Robin BoothProject: Plan B - Gianluca La Bruna

Photos: Adriana Ferrarese, Basil Titov, Filippo Leonardi, Gilberto Crippa, Gunther Schweigert, James Abell, Jose Gaston Barriga, Keyur Rathod, Luca Sorato, Malgorzata Mikolajczyk, Mattia Pasini, Md Tanveer Hassan Rohan, Never Edit, Riccardo Crevatin, Yagub Allahverdiyev.

Photos: Alberto Campello, Alessandro Benussi, Andrea Pozzoni, Anil Purohit, Anil Purohit, Daniel Christie, Dorin Mihai, Emanuela Zini, Esa Suurio, Fabrizio Spalluto, Galina Sekareva, Marci Lindsay, Mattia Pasini, Roberto Malagoli, Roberto Malagoli, Romina Felicioni, Simon Wirth

Photos: Alessandro Benussi, Carlo Traini, Damaso Avila, Esa Suurio, Filippo Leonardi, Fuso Raffaella, Hiran Perera, Holden Perpelitz, Ines Della Mea, Ingrid Gielen, Jean-Mathieu Saponaro, João Coutinho, Marisa Paoli, Mattia Pasini, Never Edit, Paul Kessel, Prentiss

Photos: Emma Myrtle, Jose Gaston Barriga, Merja Varkemaa, Orietta Masala, Paolo Dellepiane, Patrizia Pezzino, Silvana Gallio, Spyros Catramis, Tetyana Treus, Tommaso Carrara.Project: Desert Sculptures – Stefano Paradiso.

Photo: Alessandro Sarti, Allan Syphers, Alvaro Gonzalez, Carlo Silva, Claudio Dell’Osa, Colin Page, Emiliano Pizzizotti, Enrica Ridolfi, Gabor Hegyi-Kovacs, Hellen Hernández, Marisa Paoli, Patrizia Pezzino, Martina Gastaldi, Masis Usenmez, Mattia Pasini, Stefano Paradiso, Valentina D’alia,

Project: To Think I Almost Missed You – Federico Possati.Project: Dance As A Mirror Of Life – Maria Kremneva.

Photos: Alex Polli, Camus Thierry, Corrado Enea Crevatin, Danny Franzreb, Daria Martinoni, Emiliano Pinnizzotto, Giorgetta Dorfles, Isis Ascobereta, Klaus Lenzen, Laura Anderlucci, Marek Neumann, Massimo Tabasso, Paolo Dellepiane, Pia Parolin, Richard Lingo, Sara Jazbar, Sean

Photos: Alida Volpi, Enrica Ridolfi, Erik Eskedal, Gerhard Wagner, Gioia Aloisi, Ingrid Gielen, Jose Gaston Barriga, Julian Njoroge, Keitaro Ota, Maren Nordtorp Larsen, Maria Rozanska, Mirko Torresani, Patrizia Pezzino, Pepe Hanze, Verónica Mar.

Photos: Cate Franklyn, Clive Eariss, Daniel Christie, Dario Lo Presti, Fabio Patronelli, Ha Li, Marek Neumann, Mattia Pasini, Prentiss Findlay, Sean Carney, Simone Cannone.

Photos: Allan Syphers, Anil Purohit, Enrica Ridolfi, Enrico Mika Crevatin, Fabrizio Uliana, Maria Rozanska, Gianni Pezzotta, Jacek Salaga, Kurt Steinle, Luciano Lattanzi, Marci Lindsay, Massimo Tabasso, Mattia Pasini, Paolo Dellepiane, Patricia Richards, Paul Kessel, Philipp

Photos: Filipe Bianchi, Katarzyna Urbanek, Luciana Trappolino, Paul Kessel, Rosela Tapella, Valentino Patussi.Progetto: Sightseeing New York At Nigh – Jose Gaston Barriga

Project: Women in altitude – Stefano Paradiso Photos: Aida Ganjipour, Annu Esko, Enrica Ridolfi, Fiorella Macor, Francesco Pancotti, Fabio Brocchi, FRomana Semerano, Giorgos Roubien, Giulia Cargnelli, Kristian Liebrand, Kurt Steinle, Luca Iacono, Paul Kessel, Sławomir Kordowiak,

Photos: Antonio Baratto, Arnab Mitra, Carlo Silva, Carolina Ardi, Concetta Verde, Eugenio Gianotti, Gianni Pezzotta, Jacek Salaga, Marci Lindsay, Maude Bardet, Merja Varkemaa, Patricia Richards, Rachel Harpaz, Riccardo Gabriolo, Roberto Malagoli, Sabrina Guitart, Vedrana Devic.[gallery

American photographer Harry Giglio, author of the shot Approaching Storm, is the Winner Overall of the 2020 edition of URBAN Photo Awards, Single Photos section. The Up There project, by Italian author Beniamino Pisati, wins

URBAN 2020 Winner's Exhibition: 23 - 24 - 25 October 2020 - Sala Xenia, Trieste. Opening: Friday 23 October 2020 - 11 Award Ceremony: Saturday 24 October 2020 - 17.00 - Revoltella Museum, Trieste.More info www.triestephotodays.comWe

The winning photo book of the 11th edition of URBAN Book Award 2020 personally selected and awarded by the British street photographer Nick Turpin.

Foto: Cristiano Volk, Gabor Hegyi-Kovacs, Jamie Siragusa, Paul Kessel, Pia Parolin, Roberto Malagoli, Sai Min Htet Oo , Sven Krauter, Vlad Yavorov, Rosela Tapella, Ohad Aviv, Zarina Snizhevskaya.Progetto: Shore Lines – Bruce Haswell[gallery columns="4"

The Italian railway network  (Ferrovie dello Stato) is partner of Trieste Photo Days for an exceptional new location!Thanks to the partnership with the Italian railway network (Gruppo ferrovie dello Stato Italiane) the festival Trieste Photo

A new setting for events taking place outside the city. Protagonists are the best photos of the URBAN Photo Awards 2020.This year we will stop in Aquileia, Cormòns, Sacile and Milan! The Photo Days Tour

Ten photographs for ten masterpieces of recent urban architecture: Matrix4Design together with URBAN Photo Awards combines the original vision of photographers with the revolutionary creativity of architects on the occasion of the NEW BUILDINGS photo

Our usual “tour” of traveling exhibitions is back with the best photos of URBAN 2020 Photo Awards!Due to the health emergency, it will be a smaller tour compared to the glories of previous years (in

This year as well, the partnership between URBAN Photo Awards and the Civic Museums of the Municipality of Trieste will give life to a prestigious prize-exhibition at the “Sartorio” Museum: four finalist projects will be

Here we are! At the most awaited moment, the announcement of the Winning Photographers of the eleventh edition of the URBAN Photo Awards… as always in alphabetical order! [su_button url="http://www.urbanphotoawards.com/winners-2020/winners-2020-single-pictures" background="#ff7f00" size="11" radius="5" text_shadow="0px 0px 0px

[su_row][su_column size="1/2"][caption id="attachment_14569" align="alignnone" width="500"] Rebeka Legović - UniCredit Tower Milano Porta Nuova[/caption][/su_column][su_column size="1/2"]Waiting for the official Winners announcement, we are pleased to announce a first winner at the 2020 URBAN Photo Awards.Rebeka Legović, Italian

The 6th volume of the "URBAN Unveils the City and its Secrets" series that includes the work of 196 photographers ranked in URBAN Photo Awards 2020. The series provides the reader with an overview of

After the publication of the Semi-Finalist Photographers we have reached the third step of the path that will lead us to the Winners of URBAN 2020 Photo Awards.Below you can find the Finalist Photographers for

We are extremely sorry to announce that Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb will not be able to attend (in person) the next Trieste Photo Days 2020 due to the continuing health emergency linked to

After careful analysis, the jury of the New Buildings award has selected the ten Finalist Photos. Selection was made on the basis of criteria that combine formal care of the shot with the emotional power

Good news! After the publication of the Selected Photographers we have reached the second step of the path that will lead us to the Winners of URBAN 2020 Photo Awards.Below you can find the Semi-finalist

Due to restrictions linked to Covid-19 emergency, Poreč Museum staff has unfortunately informed us that this year it will not be possible to set up the usual URBAN Portfolios prize-exhibition.At the moment we are not

Although the contest is over, we are happy to add two brand new prizes to URBAN 2020 Photo Awards offered by our new media partners, which we thank from our heart.Daylight Books, a non-profit organization

Matrix4design "New Buildings" prize Jury has compiled the shortlist of 30 photos selected from over 100 in the competition.Congratulations to all the selected authors, who we meet in mid-July for the announcement of the finalists of

We have reached the first step of the path that will lead us to the Winners of this incredible eleventh edition of URBAN Photo Awards. A path full of suspense that will culminate on October

Submissions are officially closed for URBAN 2020 Photo Awards contest, promoted by Italian cultural association dotART.We’d like to thank the many participants from the bottom of our hearts and wish everyone a sincere “good luck”!We

We are currently checking the huge amount of submissions received during the weekend. Please keep in mind that in order to confirm the submissions it’s necessary to pay the registration fee no later than midnight

TPD Digital Talks #08 will stream live on the Trieste Photo Days Facebook page on Wednesday 17 June 2020 at 9.00 pm CET (new “summer” schedule).Two great internationa authors and friends of the Festival will

It's eleven days before the end of URBAN 2020 Photo Awards and today we have a special episode of TPD Digital Talks with Nick Turpin, great English street photographer and member of the URBAN Jury.See

Due to the high number of submissions and requests received, we have decided to postpone the end of URBAN Photo Awards to Sunday 14 June 2020 at 11.59 pm CET. There are therefore two more

Art and photography Historian, he is Head of the MiBACT (Italian Ministry for cultural heritage and activities and for tourism). He studied in the universities of Milan, Pavia, Florence and Poitiers. After directing the Civic

Let's start 2020 with a sensational news: we are very proud to announce that Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb, the worldwide famous couple of American photographers, will preside over the Jury of the eleventh

Please note that have extended the entries to URBAN 2020 Photo Awards until June 14, 2020! The "free photo" promotion expires on the original closing date of the contest, this Sunday (May 31): we recommend you

We are officially in the last two weeks of URBAN 2020 Photo Awards. The deadline for this eleventh edition is set for June 14, after which it will be the turn of our Super-jury, which

Here is a list with everything you need to know about your favourite photo contest, which has just entered the last month of registrations!Submissions open until May 31st, 2020 at 23.59 CET 3 categories:

We are all experiencing a tough period due to the global emergency linked to Covid-19. We at URBAN Photo Awards are keen to do our small part, trying to involve as many people as possible

[gallery columns="4" link="file" size="medium" ids="13423,13552,13650,13685"]Submissions to URBAN 2020 Photo Awards are open until May 31st, but the "Early Birds" promo expires on March 31st! Take advantage of these last days of promotion to enter the

In the coming weeks, several important names will be added to the jury of the 2020 edition of URBAN Photo Awards. We would like to introduce you the confirmed jurors so far.You already know our

We are honored to have for the fourth time in a row the American company Think Tank Photo among our technical partners for URBAN Photo Awards. In their factory based in Santa Rosa (California), they

Arnaud Montagard (b 1991) is a French photographer, he currently resides in Brooklyn, NY.[gallery size="medium" maxrowheight="150" link="file" ids="27689,27706,27698,27707"]His photography focuses on composition and details, creating an atmosphere that is often referred to the work of

[su_button url="https://my.urbanphotoawards.com/" target="blank" background="#ff7f00" size="14" center="yes" radius="5" wide="yes" icon="icon: external-link-square" text_shadow="0px 0px 0px #d96c00"]ENTER NOW![/su_button][su_spacer]On Sunday, March 1st, 2020 submissions will be open for URBAN Photo Awards eleventh edition, international contest organized by Italian cultural

Matrix4Design nasce nel 2016 dalla volontà di Editrice Industriale di creare un magazine basato sulla originalità dei contenuti e sulla capacità di porsi verso i lettori con un atteggiamento controcorrente. In breve, Matrix4Design diventa un

Michael Itkoff is a Cofounder of Daylight Books, a non-profit organization dedicated to publishing art and photography books.  For over a decade, Daylight has been dedicated to publishing art and photography via its print and digital publishing

Maja Tabea Jerrentrup is professor of media & photography at Ajeenkya DY Patil University (Pune, India), senior faculty member of India Institute of Photography (Noida / Delhi), and further works as a photographer and photo

Only a few days left until March 1st, first subscription day for the 2020 edition of URBAN Photo Awards! In the meantime, we are pleased to confirm two important prizes offered by our institutional partners.This

Photo: ph. Castoldi Emanuela [IT]We are glad to announce a new partnership between URBAN Photo Awards and Matrix4Design, a digital magazine founded in 2016, which has soon become a landmark in the world of architecture and

As we approach March 1, the opening date of next URBAN Photo Awards, we would like to announce in advance some of the new features that will distinguish the 2020 edition of your favourite contest.One

Federica Nardese, originally from Veneto, passionate about travel, has worked and lived in various cities on both sides of the ocean and has found her home in Milan for over ten years. It has a humanistic

IMAGINARIO Gallery Via Dante Alighieri, 16 33077 Sacile (PN) Italia imaginario.it [gallery link="file" ids="14661,14662,14663,14664,14665,14666,14667,14669,14670,14671,14672,14673"]

Daylight is a nonprofit organization dedicated to publishing art and photography books. By exploring the documentary mode along with the more conceptual concerns of fine art, Daylight’s uniquely collectible publications work to revitalize the relationship

Andrea Boni, born in 1969, second generation of publishers, trained at the Bocconi management school, integrates his studies with a degree in communication. Currently managing director of Editrice Industriale, publishing house born in 1964 which

All about photo is driven by a passion for photography. All About Photo is above all a resource for photographers and photography lovers. We seek to present exceptional work and meaningful resources.All about photo is an