16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025
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About Us

URBAN Photo Awards is one of the main projects of dotART, Italian cultural association based in Trieste. Since 2009 dotART has been promoting exhibitions, courses, workshops, editorial publications, prize competitions and other initiatives aimed at giving support and visibility to photographers, both locally and abroad. professionals and amateurs. The other projects of the association:

Trieste Photo Days

International festival dedicated to urban photography that since 2014 explores the contemporary through all forms of photography set in the city fabric. The festival has established itself over the years as a cross-media creative container that brings together exhibitions by Italian and foreign artists, workshops, screenings, contests, book presentations, meetings and other events related to photography. A place of meeting and exchange between the public and photographers.
Among the international artists that the festival has hosted during its six editions: Bruce Gilden, Alex Webb, Martin Parr, Paolo Pellegrin, Francesco Cito, Maurizio Galimberti, Nick Turpin, Tatsuo Suzuki, Tadashi Onishi, Alain Schroeder, Monika Bulaj, Ania Klosek, Hiro Tanaka, Alexandra Sophie, Giorgio Galimberti, Roberto Polillo, Graziano Perotti and many others.
Among the institutional exhibition venues of the Julian capital that host the festival events: the Civic Museum Revoltella, the Civic Museum Sartorio, the Civic Museum of Oriental Art, the Veruda room, Palazzo Gopcevich (Selva room and Bazlen room), the Xenia room, the MiBACT headquarters at Palazzo Economo, the Accademia scaglia and many others.


Exhibit Around

Platform launched in 2017 for the selection and promotion of exhibition and editorial authorial projects. A service that deals with photographic exhibitions, in Italy and abroad, taking care of every organizational and artistic aspect: planning, selection of works, printing of photos, transport, preparation, promotion, press office and related editorial initiatives (catalogs and publications, printed and on the web). The goal is to become a point of contact between photographers, exhibition venues and the public. Exhibit Around was born as a natural evolution of the dotART association. The experience gained is made up of hundreds of exhibitions. The collective and personal exhibitions connected to the URBAN competition, the exhibitions of the Trieste Photo Days festival and the Trieste Photo Fringe, as well as numerous impromptu exhibitions. Exhibit Around also has several original projects that involve hundreds of authors from five continents: Urban & Human Empathy (2017), focused on the human presence immersed in the urban context, Flowing City (2018), composed of words and images in white and black, the tribute to Martin Parr Short Street Stories (2019), Immigrantopolis (2019), focused on the presence of immigrants in the urban fabric, the tribute to Alex Webb Chromantic (2020), the historical-photographic project on the Patriarchate of Aquileia (2020 ), the poetic-photographic mix of Generazioni (2020) and many others. All the projects lead to the publication of photographic volumes and international exhibitions as part of Trieste Photo Days.
