16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025
HomeURBAN 2018 Jury

URBAN 2018 Jury

Japanese photographer. Founder of the VoidTokyo photographers collective.
Trieste Photo Days art director
Founder and editor of Street photography magazine
Photographer - winner of TPD Book Award 2017
Poreč Museum prize commission
Director of Poreč Heritage Museum, Croatia
Street photographer
Member of UN-POSED and BURN MY EYE collectives
Photographer and COO at DNG Photo Magazine
FIAF accredited porfolio reader
Co-founder and chief editor of EyesOpen! Magazine
Street photographer
Photoeditor and responsable of projects for BURNmagazine and @BurnDiary
Founder, publisher, and editor-in-chief of doc! photo magazine
Photographer, videomaker and editor of "Revista OLD"
Magazines photo editor
Journalist and editor of  PHOTOSOPHIA.IT
Art critic, independent curator, art producer & graphic designer