16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025
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Art historian, since 2017 Director of the Museums and Libraries Service of the Municipality of Trieste, with expertise in the entire museum system and civic librarian. From 2015 to 2016 Director of the Bologna Museums Institution

[Francia] "Ho scoperto la fotografia nel 2008 e ho deciso di farne un lavoro. Prima di allora non ho mai premuto il pulsante di scatto di una reflex, avevo torto: scattare una buona foto è un

GMB Akash is a compassionate and award-winning photographer from Bangladesh, who dedicates his life to capturing the essence of people living on the edge of society all over the world. With his lens, He has

[Italy] Silvio Mencarelli is an Italian photographer, teacher, journalist and editor of  PHOTOSOPHIA.IT web magazine.

[Brasile]Mozart Mesquita è partner di FHOX, storico magazine brasiliano dedicato all'immagine nonché promotore di Fotografar SHOW, il più grande evento sulla fotografia del Brasile.Website

[India]Manish Mamtani è un fotografo naturalista vincitore di numerosi premi. E' specializzato in paesaggi, fotografia notturna e astronomica, fotografia aerea e a raggi infrarossi. Originario di Nagpur, in India, ora risiede a Boston (USA). Ha

[Croatia] Art critic, independent curator, art producer & graphic designerAt the begining of eighties (1980.) Maja Briski has founded the creative multimedia manufacture EGOIST ARTZ & PARTZ which she leads today. Her wide concept incorporates

Andrea Boni, born in 1969, second generation of publishers, trained at the Bocconi management school, integrates his studies with a degree in communication. Currently managing director of Editrice Industriale, publishing house born in 1964 which

[U.S.A.] Christy Karpinski is the founder and editor of F-Stop Magazine, an online photography magazine that promotes contemporary photography from established and emerging photographers from around the world to inspire and support a community of

[Italy] Born in Mals (Bolzano, Italy) in 1948, for several years he was a middle school teacher. From a previous experience in the field of arts decided to switch to photography in 1968. He has worked

[Italia / Regno Unito] Alex Liverani, giovane fotografo Italiano che vive e lavora a Londra. Alex ha frequentato un master di fotografia documentaria contemporanea alla DOOR Akademy di Roma. Ha inoltre ottenuto innumerevoli riconoscimenti in ambito

[Poland]"My fascination in photography I started a few years ago. In the meantime, I completed study multimedia graphics in the 'Active Art Study of Theater and Film Techniques' and photography in the 'European Academy of

[Cyprus] Born on 1966, he is Analyst / Programmer and working as IT Manager in a large company in Cyprus. His passion for photography began at the early childhood and carries him to win several awards

[Italy] Born in Taranto in 1958. He began his professional career working in an advertising agency where he learned with serious professionists communicative possibilities of the video, but it's the photography that intrigues him to make