16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025


w a l r a u m is a private gallery in the inner city of Klagenfurt. Near the market and "Neuer Platz" with the famous Lindwurm.[gallery columns="5" ids="7962,7963,7964,7965,7966"]Address:w a l r a u m 10.

[gallery columns="4" ids="8038,8039,8040,8041"]Galerija Principij Pod voltun 4 51000 Rijeka (Croatia) http://fotoklubrijeka.hr/galerija-principij

IMAGINARIO Gallery Via Dante Alighieri, 16 33077 Sacile (PN) Italia imaginario.it [gallery link="file" ids="14661,14662,14663,14664,14665,14666,14667,14669,14670,14671,14672,14673"]

Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design (Poland, Europe) offers a two-and-half-year full time program for international students. Our staff, all specialists within different areas of art and design, provide a program of study that

WAVELOVEul. Podchorążych 3 30-084 KRAKÓW (Poland)http://wavelove.pl/