16th Edition
Submissions Open

Denis Curti

Denis Curti giurato a URBAN Photo Awards 2024

Denis Curti

URBAN Book Award jury commission

Denis Curti, a prominent name in the world of photography, holds numerous prestigious roles: he is the artistic director of Le Stanze della Fotografia in Venice; the photography sector representative for Marsilio Editore; the director and founder of STILL, a photographic gallery based in Milan; the artistic director of the Capri Photography Festival; the artistic director of the Montefano Photography Festival: Premio Ghergo; the director of the online magazine Black Camera; and the artistic director of Deloitte’s PhotoGrant.

From 2018 to 2022, Curti was the director of the monthly magazine IL FOTOGRAFO. Prior to this role, from 2005 to 2014, he was the director of Contrasto – Milan and vice president of the Fondazione Forma in Milan.

Curti also leads artistic projects for various companies, including Altagamma, Ambrosi, Polli, F2i, Ernst & Young, A2A, American Express, DHL, Tiffany, and Alcantara. He has curated numerous exhibitions for world-renowned photographers and major international agencies, including: Elliott Erwitt – Gianni Berengo Gardin – Franco Fontana – Maurizio Galimberti – Fulvio Roiter – André Kertész – Robert Capa – Werner Bischof – Magnum America – A due Minuti dal mondo (with Magnum Photos) – Sebastião Salgado – Helmut Newton – Henri Cartier Bresson – Giovanni Gastel – David LaChapelle, Jacques Henri Lartigue, and the traveling exhibitions Capri Trend.

In the 1990s and 2000s, Curti was the artistic director of the International Photography Biennale of Turin. For over 15 years, he was a journalist and photography critic for the pages of Vivimilano and Corriere della Sera.

An expert in the photography collectibles market, Curti curated the first photographic auctions for Sotheby’s in Milan in 2002-2003. From 1995 to 2002, he was the director of the Italian Foundation for Photography.

Curti is also the author of several books on photography, including “Collezionare fotografia” from 2010 (with a new edition in 2013) for Contrasto Editions, and “Capire la fotografia contemporanea. Guida pratica all’arte del futuro” for Marsilio Editori (2020). He also wrote “Il mosaico del Mondo. La vita messa a fuoco. La biografia di Maurizio Galimberti” for Marsilio Editori (2022) and “Le cento fotografie che sconvolsero il mondo” for 24 Ore Edizioni.
