16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025

Image in Progress


Image in Progress

Image in Progress is a new international publication that wants to tell the story of the players of the image industry in its ongoing developments. Photography here is seen as a creative and artistic expression, as a publishing and advertising medium that is not just a mere representation but dares to interpret.

Exclusive interviews with major international names, professionals that work behind the scenes, promising talents… and their personal exclusive texts about the workings in the backstage of the images that surround us or we wish they would surround us make Image in Progress an innovative publishing enterprise for aficionados and professionals who, in one capacity or another, participate in the creative process and have to make choices in this industry.

Photographers, publishers, gallery owners, location scouts, set designers, art directors, photo editors, stylists, make-up artists, hair stylists, models, postproducers are all professional figures that rarely get recognition beyond credits but in Image in Progress they can tell their story, their technical choices, their tricks of the trade with useful advice and represent a very focused readership to reach.

The reader will find in this one-of-a-kind publication the possibility to train the eye and the mind with stimulating images, getting to know well an increasingly wide range of professionals and professions in a constantly growing industry.

Among the main novelties for a magazine about photography, special attention is paid to the finest locations throughout the world and design decorations, with the specific intent to suggest them for shootings and avant-garde catalogs.

Visit the website: imageinprogress.com
