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HomeTop NewsKrzysztof Bednarski’s “Parisian Night Stories” project wins the first edition of the URBAN Press Award

Krzysztof Bednarski’s “Parisian Night Stories” project wins the first edition of the URBAN Press Award

Photos: © Krzysztof Bednarski - Parisian Night Stories
Photo © © Krzysztof Bednarski - Parisian Night Stories

Krzysztof Bednarski’s “Parisian Night Stories” project wins the first edition of the URBAN Press Award

URBAN Photo Awards announces the winner of the very first edition of the URBAN Press Award. Krzysztof Bednarski has won the jury with his project Parisian Night Stories. The Polish author will be published by the best specialized press in the field of photography and awarded with many other prizes (list below).

The winning project

Here are the author’s words on Parisian Night Stories:

“Parisian Night Stories embarks on a visual journey through the pulsating heart of Paris after dark. The candid moments encapsulate the essence of nocturnal Paris, a vibrant pot of energy. Night wanderers, dreamers and adventurers, all intertwined by the rich cultural heritage and artistic legacy of the city. From the buzzing cafés of Montmartre to the jazz clubs of Saint-Germain, Parisian nightlife has played an influential role in shaping artistic movements. From laughter to romance, the series attempts to capture the spirit of the pulsating Parisian nightlife. 

Paris, 2022 (*no AI used)” 

About the author

Krzysztof Bednarski is a visual storyteller with a background in branding and motion design. A self-taught Polish documentarian who didn’t turn his focus fully to photography till the mid-2010s. Following his fascination with urban settings, his work revolves around a minimal aesthetic. His carefully constructed compositions are a visual investigation of people’s relationship with their surroundings.


A special thank you goes to our URBAN Press Award 2023 jury:

Christèle Harrouk – Architect – Urban Designer – Managing Editor of ArchDaily
Federica Berzioli – Editorial coordinator of IL FOTOGRAFO
Michael Nguyen – Editor-in-chief of the online photography and art magazine Tagree
Pedro Anza – Editor of Cuartoscuro
Philippe Litzler – Editor-in-chief of OPENEYE


Prize list

– 500 € Amazon Gift Card
– Fujifilm INSTAX Link Wide printer.
– 1 Stroppa photo camera strap
– An invitation as guest of honor to Trieste Photo Days 2023, including
a two-night stay for two, in order to attend the award ceremony
– An invitation to URBAN 2023 Gala Dinner at Trieste Photo Days 2023
– Online and photo book publication of the project
– Publication in specialized photography magazines
– Trophy + Medal
