16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025
HomeNews“URBAN unveils” pictures displayed at Trieste Free House Brewery

“URBAN unveils” pictures displayed at Trieste Free House Brewery


“URBAN unveils” pictures displayed at Trieste Free House Brewery


A 40 pictures selection taken from the first two volumes of “URBAN Unveils the City and its Secrets” will be displayed at Free House Brewery international craft beer festival, from May 11 to 15 in Trieste at “Molo IV”.

The pictures come from the international contest URBAN Photo Awards 2015 and 2016. Current edition is actually open until May 31, 2017.

“URBAN Unveils the City and its Secrets” is published by dotART cultural association. The aim of this editorial project dedicated to street photography is to provide the reader with an overview of stories told through images. These images have in common an element which is either obvious or just hardly visible, and all together they make up an organic collage that reveals the City and its secrets.

At Free House Brewery, among admiring the pictures while tasting some good craft beer, you’ll can also buy the books.

Pictures displayed by Alessandro Biggi, Alphan Yilmazmaden, Andrea Boccini, Andrea Scirè, Angiolo Manetti, Aurelien Voldoire, Diego Ravalico, Donato Aquaro, Eddie Wexler, Eric Forey, Federico Arcangeli, Filippo Boatto, Florin Flacau, Francesco Licandro, Gerardo Oliverio, Giancarlo Staubmann, Gianluca De Simone, Hans-Joerg Aleff, James Niven, Jeannette Muller, Lisa Shalom, Mariagrazia Beruffi, Martina Biccheri, Maximino Alvarez, Michael Kofteros, Michele Ginevra, Michele Rieri, Mona Blank, Nicola Tanzini, Paolo Iommelli, Philippa Stannard, Rob Krauss, Roza Vulf, Simone Capriotti, Stefano Spigolon, Tatsuo Suzuki, Tripler Roman, Tymon Markowski, Vincenzo Di Savino, Walter Rothwell.

