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HomeNewsMagnum photojournalist Paolo Pellegrin will choose the Winning Portfolio of URBAN Photo Awards 2021

Magnum photojournalist Paolo Pellegrin will choose the Winning Portfolio of URBAN Photo Awards 2021

Magnum photojournalist Paolo Pellegrin will choose the Winning Portfolio of URBAN Photo Awards 2021

We are thrilled to announce another great photographer from Magnum Photos agency in the URBAN Photo Awards 2021 jury: Paolo Pellegrin, an authentic witness of our times who for thirty years has been focused on issues connected to the human condition, from wars to the effects of global climate change.

Paolo Pellegrin will be part of URBAN’s “super-commission” of jurors, and will personally choose the Winner of the Projects & Portfolios section. Besides him, President of the Jury Bruce Gilden will choose the Winner of the Single Photos section and will select the projects for the “Bruce Gilden Special Prize” book”, and Francesco Cito will choose the Winner of the URBAN Book Award section.

In URBAN’s Projects & Portfolios section contestants can submit sets of photos, linked to each other by a common trait. The sets can be in the form of photographic projects, thematic portfolios, series, reportages and storyboards (sequences of images telling a story). The winner will be awarded by Paolo Pellegrin himself during the Trieste Photo Days 2021.

In fact, at the end of October Paolo Pellegrin will be among the guests of honor at the festival, where he will hold a speech with a projection of his Antarctica project, created in November 2017 during NASA’s IceBridge expedition to document the impact of climate change on Antarctica.

Together with Paolo Pellegrin, Andréa Holzherr, who has curated and directed the international exhibitions of Magnum Photos since 2003, will join the URBAN Photo Awards jury and Trieste Photo Days. At the festival Andréa Holzherr will give a personal talk about her profession as curator and organizer of photographic exhibitions for Magnum as well as an overview on the development of “the photographic exhibition” in the last few decades.

To enter URBAN Photo Awards: my.urbanphotoawards.com
