Maja Briski
[Croatia] Art critic, independent curator, art producer & graphic designerAt the begining of eighties (1980.) Maja Briski has founded the creative multimedia manufacture EGOIST ARTZ & PARTZ which she leads today. Her wide concept incorporates artistic, aestetic and journalistic practice which consists of artists’ promotion, planning and realising various art concepts, projects and exhibitions, writing expert curator’s texts, exhibition set-ups, arranging photo-sessions, complete graphic designs for her own art projects (catalogues, posters etc.), writing for newspapers and magazines, art monographies, product and stage designs and web concepts.
The selection of solo projects of international artists which include her exhibitions’ concept, curator’s texts, graphic designs of all promotional materials, exhibitions’ set-ups and complete media coverage:
A. B. Švaljek, Nikola Ražov, Tea Bičić, Ivona Verbanac, Davor Schunk, Roberta Weissman Nagy, Lazer, Lumezi, Robert Budor, Dubravka Lošić, Radoslav Metodije Viličić, Nada Sesar Raffay, Bane Milenković, Manuela Vladić Maštruko, Dorina Vlakančić, Eugen Borkovsky, Stephan Lupino, Renata pl. Kušec, Nenad Vorih, Stephan Lupino, Vinko Šaina, Klavdija Marušič, Eva Lumezi, Lars Torvaldsson, Nina Lasta, Damir Charlie Čargonja, Ivo Vrtarić, Jerca Šantej, Zdravko Kopas, Sabina Damiani, Zaneto Paulin, Rino Gropuzzo, Dušan Docevski, Branko Kolarić, Robert Sironić, Silena Košara, Bálint Szombathy etc.
The selection of group projects and events of international artists which include her exhibitions’ concept, curator’s texts, graphic designs of all promotional materials, exhibitions’ set-ups and complete media coverage:
THE PAINTERS OF MEMORY (HDLU, Zagreb), Glamour Behind the Velvet Curtain (Diaframma Canon Gallery, Milano), BODILY FUNCTIONS (HDLU Istre, Pula), MANUFACTURE 3 (Mali Lošinj), ARTRIESTINA (Zrenj ), ARTUM 1 & ARTUM 2 (Umag), FISH KNOWS (Sevnica), ARTEKO (Šentjanž), STEREOARTYPES (Etnographic Museumj, Zagreb), 150 YEARS OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN ROVINJ (Rovinj), FUNDAMENTALZ (Umag), WALKING ON A BARRIER (Umag, Koper), BLACK WORK (Umag, Koper), THE WALL (Umag, Koper, Trieste) etc.