16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025
HomeJuryJury 2015Nicholas Goodden

Nicholas Goodden


Nicholas Goodden

Nicholas Goodden is an award winning urban photographer with a focus on London. In the past two years his work has been extensively featured in major London and photography publications.
His late 2014 solo exhibition was hosted by the hip Hoxton Hotel Holborn for the past 3 months and sponsored by Olympus. A social media specialist, included in the Top 100 Most Socially Influential Photographers globally (featured on Huffington Post and Forbes), his social media reach is in excess of 100,000 and growing steadily. With a strong portfolio built over the past 7 years and a marketing background, Goodden understands the tools and less known tricks required to have one’s photography noticed by the right people. He has written guides on the subject for Photoshelter and The Phoblographer.
Early 2014, Goodden founded the “Street Photography London” collective with a simple idea in mind: A website home to the best London street photographers.

