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HomeNewsStroppa for URBAN Photo Awards: not conventional straps

Stroppa for URBAN Photo Awards: not conventional straps


Stroppa for URBAN Photo Awards: not conventional straps

Today we talk about Stroppa Strap, URBAN Photo Awards technical sponsor.

logo red stroppa

Stroppa was created by Mateusz Grybczynski’s idea, a young Polish craftsman, with a strong passion for photography. Straps are made out of high quality rope and natural leather.
The idea is to design straps that will make the process of photographing more enjoyable and keep the camera safe at the same time.

stroppa natura
The philosophy of Stroppa Strap is not following the actual trend in which people forget about traditions and everything is being mass-produced for the sake of profit. Stroppa won’t be something subject to globalization and mass production.
Stroppa straps are handmade, following centuries-old traditions of artisans. Each piece of leather and rope is carefully transformed from raw material into a precious object that is meant to withstand the test of time.

Every single Stroppa strap has a different feel. Being hand made, Stroppa does not try to make something perfect but rather work with the material and incorporate it`s distinctive feeling into their products.
Stroppa strap length is chosen by you. This way you`ll have a unique piece of gear that was tailor made only for you. Even the colors could be choosen.

Technical partner Stroppa offers 25 straps to URBAN Photo Awards 2017:

1 strap for each winning photographer (1st, 2nd, 3rd) in all thematic areas: Street Photography | Architecture | Social City | Urban Art | Transport | Green Life | Visions;

1 for the URBAN 2017 Winner choosen by Maurizio Galimberti; 

1 each for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the section Projects and Portfolios.

If you would like to order one, just visit www.stroppa.pl, while if you want to win it, just apply on URBAN Photo Awards 2017 and send us the best pic ever!

