16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025
HomeNewsURBAN 2021 prizes: a Fujifilm X100V camera is also up for grabs!

URBAN 2021 prizes: a Fujifilm X100V camera is also up for grabs!

URBAN 2021 prizes: a Fujifilm X100V camera is also up for grabs!

We are thrilled to welcome Fujifilm Italia among the technical partners of URBAN Photo Awards 2021!

Fujifilm Italia will be giving away a Fujifilm X100V camera worth over € 1,500 for the Overall Winner of the contest!

The Fujifilm X100V is a prime-lens compact camera with an elegant retro design, ranked among the top 30 “Gold Awards” of the Dpreview website. Produced from 2020, it features a 26.1 megapixels APS-C (1.5x) sensor. The sensitivity range, including extension, is ISO 80 – 51200 and can shoot in bursts of 20 FPS x 17 RAW, 32 JPEG.

We sincerely thank Fujifilm Italia for this award that will appeal to all URBAN 2021 participants!

NEW DEADLINE! We have postponed the closing of submissions to June 13, 2021!

We take this opportunity to remind you that the Overall Winner will be chosen by the Head of the Jury Bruce Gilden among the first classified in the Streets, People, Spaces and Creative themes in the Single Photos section.

FUJIFILM Italia S.p.A. is a branch of FUJIFILM Europe GmbH based in Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milan) and operates on the Italian market with integrated solutions and products for the Imaging, Electronic Imaging, Graphic arts and Medical Systems sectors.
With over 100 employees engaged in marketing, commercial, technical and administrative assistance functions, FUJIFILM Italia places itself on the market as a solid and competent partner, able to respond to customer needs with effective and customized solutions.
In this time of constant change, it is important for the company to continue to provide concrete support that can contribute to the sharing and dissemination of photographic culture and knowledge in the various areas in which the company itself operates.



