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HomeNewsURBAN Photo Awards, the category Book Award

URBAN Photo Awards, the category Book Award

URBAN Photo Awards, the category Book Award

The Book Award category of the international URBAN Photo Awards 2023 competition offers participants the opportunity to submit extended photo projects in book form, with a free theme. This section is for photographers who wish to submit larger projects than the Projects & Portfolios section, which allows a maximum of 12 photos.

The goal of this category is to give the winning photographer the opportunity to produce and promote internationally their own authored photographic project, which will be published as a print volume by dotART / URBAN and officially presented as part of Trieste Photo Days 2023.

To participate, authors must submit their draft photographic book in PDF format. There are no restrictions on the theme, but each draft must contain at least 40 pages and maximum 70.

Post-production and photo editing are allowed, and the book must consist entirely of the participant’s original photos. In addition, along with the photo book, the author must write a brief description of the project in English.

The jury will evaluate the artistic quality of the project, consistency and originality of the concept, composition and visual presentation of the photo book. The choice of the winner will be announced during the award ceremony in Trieste, where the winner‘s photo book will be officially presented.

The Book Award of the URBAN Photo Awards competition is a unique opportunity for photographers to have their work publicized and their photo book published with a prestigious publishing house.
