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HomeNewsWatch now TPD Digital Talks #08 / Tadashi Onishi & Giedo Van Der Zwan

Watch now TPD Digital Talks #08 / Tadashi Onishi & Giedo Van Der Zwan

Watch now TPD Digital Talks #08 / Tadashi Onishi & Giedo Van Der Zwan

TPD Digital Talks #08 will stream live on the Trieste Photo Days Facebook page on Wednesday 17 June 2020 at 9.00 pm CET (new “summer” schedule).

Two great internationa authors and friends of the Festival will be our guests: Tadashi Onishi, from Tokyo (for him at 4 am!) and Giedo Van Der Zwan, from Netherlands. Our art director Angelo Cucchetto will co-host together with journalist / photographer Rebeka Legovic.

Tadashi Onishi, one of the main authors of the Void Tokyo collective, is a “discovery” of Trieste Photo Days. We had him as a guest in 2017, (he won the first TPD Book Award with Lost in Shinjuku), and again in 2018 during the Void Tokyo exhibition at the Museum of Oriental Art. Tadashi is also one of the jurors of URBAN 2020 Photo Award, an international award linked to the Festival which will close on June 14!

Giedo van der Zwan is a photojournalist and streeter, also twice a guest of Trieste Photo Days, where he presented his on-going project Pier to Pier, in which we can fully enjoy his ironic style.

You can rewatch all TDP Digital Talks on the dotART YouTube channel www.youtube.com/user/dotARTchannel.
