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HomeNewsURBAN Photo Awards: a new prize dedicated to science fiction, together with the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

URBAN Photo Awards: a new prize dedicated to science fiction, together with the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

URBAN Photo Awards: a new prize dedicated to science fiction, together with the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

Big news in sight for the 2021 edition of URBAN Photo Awards, for which registrations will open on March 1st.

One of those that honors us most is the new partnership between URBAN and an important cultural reality of our city: the Trieste Science + Fiction Festival, the main Italian festival dedicated to science fiction in all its forms: cinema, literature, comics, theater and new media.

The partnership could only materialize in a new photographic prize within the 2021 edition of URBAN Photo Awards, conceived in close collaboration with La Cappella Underground, the promoting association of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival.

The “Trieste Science+Fiction Festival” Special prize will be dedicated to artistic photographs freely inspired by science fiction in everyday life. Space for creativity, post-production, photo retouching, mixed media: alien planets, visions from the future, technological cities, spaceships, robots, parallel universes, time travel, everything related to the science fiction imagery and science fiction in our everyday life.

If you wish to enter, you will only have to add the tag Science+Fiction (Trieste Science+Fiction Festival Prize) to the Single Photos competing in the CREATIVE category.

The images will be judged by Daniele Trani, Lorenzo del Porto and Daniele Braida, who will select the shortlist of finalists. The winning photo will be announced in September and will be displayed at the URBAN Winners’ Exhibition during the Trieste Photo Days (29, 30 and 31 October) and, simultaneously, at the Trieste Science Fiction Festival (late October-early November). The photo will also be published in the photographic volume URBAN unveils the City and its secrets – Vol. 07, which will contain the best of the 2021 contest and in the catalog of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival.

The author of the winning photo will be awarded a special trophy during Trieste Photo Days and will be hosted for 5 nights in Trieste, from 29 October to 3 November 2021, to attend both festivals. He will also receive an invitation for two people to the URBAN Photo Awards Gala Dinner and a free pass for the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival with the related kit.

The Trieste Science+Fiction Festival was founded in 2000 under the name of Science plus Fiction by the Research and Experimentation Centre La Cappella Underground with the ambitious purpose of re-launching the Festival Internazionale del film di fantascienza (International Science Fiction Film Festival), which had been held in the northern Italian city of Trieste in the years 1963–1982.

It is a multidisciplinary event devoted to the realms of the “fantastic”, to experimental languages and new technologies in cinema, television and the visual arts. With a program rich in screenings, retrospectives, tributes, conferences and meetings with renown international and national professionals, it aims to explore the whole range of the science fiction world, from cinema to comics, from literature to stage performances.

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival annually awards the Asteroide to the best international feature film in competition. Moreover, in cooperation with the European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation – that the festival joined in 2005 – it awards the Méliès d’argent (Silver Méliès) to the best European feature and short films in competition.

The 2021 edition of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival will take place between the last days of October and early November.


