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HomeBooksURBAN unveils the City and its Secrets – Vol. 03

URBAN unveils the City and its Secrets – Vol. 03

URBAN unveils vol cover

URBAN unveils the City and its Secrets – Vol. 03


URBAN unveils the City and its secrets – Vol. 03, an overview of City stories told through street photography.

144 photographers from URBAN 2017
22×22 cm paperback
198 color pages
See the book here for free

URBAN unveils the City and its secrets Vol. 03 contains 144 phtotographers ranked at URBAN 2017 Photo Awards. The aim of this editorial project dedicated to street photography is to provide the reader with an overview of stories told through images. These images have in common an element which is either obvious or just hardly visible, and all together they make up an organic collage that reveals the City and its secrets.

The book has been presented at Trieste Photo Days on Saturday October 28, 2017 at 18.45.

Want to buy a copy at 20,00 € + shipping fees? Write at info@dotart.it.

Shipping fees

Italy (with tracking)
5,00 € (1-2 copies) | 7,50 € (3-6 copies)

8,00 € (shipping) | 11,00 € (priority shipping) | 16,15 € (with tracking)

Extra UE, America, Africa, Asia
13,00 € (shipping) | 17,00 € (priority shipping) | 22,45 € (with tracking)

18,00 € (shipping) | 23,00 € (priority shipping) | 29,95 € (with tracking)




Photos by Agnes Dudas (Hungary), Abdulilah Saad (Qatar), Alain Schroeder (Belgium), Aleksandra Nowysz (Poland), Alexander Otto (Germany), Amaury Lignon (France), Amrish Sharma (India), André Carneiro (Brazil), Andre` Concombrsky (Germany), Andrea Maina (Italy), Andrea Pinacci (Italy), Andrea Regazzoni (Italy), Andrea Scirè (Italy), Angiolo Manetti (Italy), Aniruddha Das Das (India), Anna Monda (Italy), Antonella De Spuches (Italy), Antonino Lo Castro (Italy), Armen Dolukhanyan (Ukraine), Azim Khan Ronnie (Bangladesh), Blondeau Xavier (France), Boers Cor (Netherlands), Brandon Barnard (South Africa), Britta Baumann (Germany), Camilla Ferrari (Italy), Carla Fiorina (Italy), Christian Milotic (Italy), Claudio Beltrame (Italy), Claudio Colombo (Italy), Clive Eariss (Great Britain), Cristina Paladini (Italy), Daniele Ficarelli (Italy), David Arribas (Spain), David Arzt (Germany), David Smith (Great Britain), Dino Jasarevic (Italy), Doron Talmi (Israel), Emanuele Amighetti (Italy), Federica Violin (Italy), Federico Bevilacqua (Italy), Federico Campanale (Netherlands), Federico Tummolo (Italy), Flavia Lavezzi (Italy), Folco Salani (Italy), Francesca Fabiano (Italy), Francesca Semerano (Italy), Francesco Monaco (Italy), Francesco Nola (Italy), Gabriele Calamelli (Italy), Gabriele Donati (Italy), Giles Clarke (U.S.A.), Giorgio Meneghetti (Italy), Giuliana Mariniello (Italy), Giuseppe Cardoni (Italy), Giuseppe Pons (Italy), Giuseppe Rivara (Italy), Giuseppe Ulizio (Italy), Greta Polimene (Italy), Hans Wichmann (Germany), Hansa Tangmanpoowadol (Thailand), Irena Walania (Poland), Jaiyoun Kim (South Korea), James Niven (Australia), Jana Estocinova (Germany), Jia Cheng (Davide) Yuan (Italy), Karol Malec (Poland), Katya Evdokimova (Great Britain), Kelly Mccann (Hong Kong), Laura Zulian (Italy), Laurence Chellali (China), Lino Budano (Italy), Lorenzo Linthout (Italy), Luigi Larva (Italy), Luiza Stokovac (Croatia), Magdalena Strakova (Czech Republic), Malgorzata Czerwien-kikla (Great Britain), Marcello Vigoni (Italy), Marco Brecciaroli (Italy), Marco Minischetti (Italy), Marco Tagliarino (Italy), Maria Chiara Spina (Italy), Maria Cristina Campi (Italy), Mariagrazia Beruffi (Italy), Mariangela Muggianu (Italy), Mark Coggins (U.S.A.), Marta Tosone (Italy), Massimiliano Panelli (Italy), Massimo Della Latta (Italy), Massimo Nardi (Italy), Mateusz Skòra (Germany), Mauro Brienza (Italy), Mauro De Bettio (Italy), Merethe Wessel-Berg (Norway), Michal Czarnecki (Poland), Michele Forni (Italy), Miloushka Bokma (Netherlands), Mirella Riva (Switzerland), Mohd Redzal Amzah (Malaysia), Moin Uddin Ahmed Moin (Bangladesh), Monica Ledda (Italy), Olah Laszlo-tibor (Romania), Olgierd Kajak (Switzerland), Oliver Frohner (Austria), Pablo-martin Cordoba (France), Palitha Weerakoon (Sri Lanka), Paolo Drioli (Italy), Patricia Richards Richards (U.S.A.), Pau Buscato (Spain), Pierfranco Fornasieri (Italy), Pierpaolo Mittica (Italy), Pietro Castellucci (Italy), Pygmalion Karatzas (Greece), Rafal Rafalski (Poland), Rafal‚ Korban (Poland), Raffaele De Vivo (Italy), Riccardo Crevatin (Italy), Riccardo Diana (Italy), Roberta Pizzigoni (Italy), Roberto Pireddu (Italy), Roman Robroek (Netherlands), Salvo Alibrio (Italy), Samuele Dinetti (Italy), Saumalya Ghosh (India), Saverio Serini (Italy), Serena Vittorini (Italy), Sergio Raffaele (Italy), Sergio Redolfi (Italy), Siyuan Ma (Singapore), Sohel Parvez Haque (Bangladesh), Sonia Granata (Italy), Stefano Lista (Italy), Stefano Siano (Italy), Stefano Spigolon (Italy), Steven Bowers (U.S.A.), Tommaso Veneziano (Italy), Tony Sellen (Great Britain), Valentina Irrera (Italy), Valerio Di Mauro (Italy), Viet Van Tran Tran (Vietnam), Wenpeng Lu (France), Werner Mansholt (Germany), Yiannos Zachariou (Cyprus), Yingxi Shi (China).
